Juncus krausii

Common Names

Matting Rush (english)
Incema (zulu)


Genus Juncus
Species krausii
SA Plant Number
Basionym Juncus krausii


Juncus krausii is a very hardy, fast-growing, evergreen, tufted, perennial rush that has long, thin, tough, olive-green, cylindrical leaves that are spine-tipped and have a black sheath.

The small, scaly, purplish flowers are crowded at the tips of the long, thin stems from October to February and they are followed by golden brown seeds.

As it has great strength it is traditionally used to weave many household items such as sleeping mats and baskets.This is a wetland plant that will add a feeling of authenticity when planted on the edges of a pond.It can also be used in boggy areas, among wet pebbles and in grey-water systems.

It helps to bind soil and prevent erosion in wet areas.

Plant in full sun and prune and remove dead stems once a year.

Size: up to 1.5m




Was traditionally used to weave household items such as sleeping mats and baskets.


Helps to bind soil and prevent erosion in wet areas.


KwaZulu Natal, Free State, Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Along rivers and streams, Ponds and dams, Wetland


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