Rauvolfia caffra

Common Names

Quinine Tree (english)Kinaboom (afrikaans)Monadi (n. sotho)Muņadzi (venda)UmHlambamanzi, umKhadluvungu (zulu)umJelo, umThundisa (xhosa)


Genus Rauvolfia
Species caffra
SA Plant Number 647
Basionym Rauvolfia caffra


Rauvolfia caffra is a hardy, evergreen to briefly deciduous, upright tree with beautiful large, glossy drooping, lanceolate leaves. The trumpet-shaped, small, white flowers are carried in clusters at the end of the branches from May to October and are sweet smelling, attracting swarms of bees as well as wasps and butterflies.

Plant in a protected position. As it grows naturally in swamp forest it can tolerate seasonal inundation of water and it is also considered an indicator of ground water. This upright tree makes a good form plant in the larger garden, and a neat shade tree.

Plant in compost rich soil and ensure it has enough water. Be aware that it has an invasive root system.

It is used extensively for medicinal purposes.

Size 7 to 15m


Wildlife garden plant: The flowers attract swarms of bees as well as wasps and butterflies to the garden.



Limpopo, North West Province, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal,  Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Natural Habitat Along rivers and streams, Woodland  


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