Tulbaghia violaceae Silver Lace

Common Names

Wild Garlic (english)Wildeknoffel (afrikaans)


Genus Tulbaghia
Species violaceae
SA Plant Number
Basionym Tulbaghia violaceae Silver Lace


Tulbaghia violacea ‘Silver Lace’ is a hardy, evergreen, tuft-forming, bulbous plant with strap-like, variegated grey and white leaves that are garlic-scented when bruised. Umbels of delicate, lilac to pink flowers on long stalks are borne mainly from January to April, although it will bloom on and off almost all year in cultivation. The flowers are sweetly-scented at night and make excellent cut flowers.

When sitting outside, whack some of the leaves on your table or chair and this will deter flies and mosquitoes. The flowers are edible and look beautiful in salads. The leaves and bulb can be used as a garlic substitute in cooking. Used medicinally.

Use in the garden as a companion plant, particularly to deter aphids. An ideal groundcover for difficult areas as it can thrive in very poor soils, although it is lush and flowers better in well-composted soil. Grows in full sun or semi-shade.

Size: 10 to 25cm



Culinary: The edible flowers can be used in salads. Leaves and bulbs can be used in cooking as a garlic substitute.

Landscaping: Beautiful hardy bedding plant for dry areas.


KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape

Habitat:Rocky grassland


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