Greyia sutherlandii


Common Names

Natal Bottlebrush (english)Natalse Baakhout (afrikaans)isiDwadwa, inDalu, uBande (zulu)umBere-bere (xhosa)


Genus Greyia
Species sutherlandii
SA Plant Number 446
Basionym Greyia sutherlandii


Greyia sutherlandii is a hardy, deciduous, drought resistant, rugged looking shrub or small tree with attractive round leaves that turn bright red in autumn. The tree is often still leafless when it starts to bear densely packed spikes of magnificent, brilliant red flowers at the tips of the branches from August to October. When blooming en masse they are a sight never to be forgotten.

The flowers are rich in nectar, which attracts sunbirds and insects to the garden. The dead leaves often persist on the tree and should be removed to gain the full benefit of the flowers.

Makes a good container plant and a wonderful tree for a small garden. The soft pale pink wood is used for household items.

Plant in a sunny or semi-shade position, in well-drained soil. Thrives in rocky soils.

Size: Up to 7m


Nectar Plant: Many birds  (particularly Sunbirds) and pollinating insects are attracted to the garden by the copious amounts of nectar produced by the flowers.


Landscaping: Gnarled, rugged looking specimen tree ideal for small gardens, particularly on slopes and in rocky areas.

Traditional: The soft pale pink wood is used for household items.


Gauteng, Free State, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape

Natural Habitat Along rivers and streams, Rocky ridges and slopes of the Drakensburg mountains  


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