Aloe dyeri

Common Names

Large Flowered Aloe (english)Grootblomaalwyn (afrikaans)


Genus Aloe
Species dyeri
SA Plant Number
Basionym Aloe dyeri


Aloe dyeri is a hardy, robust, shade loving Aloe. The Large Flowered Aloe is the largest of the spotted aloes. It forms a large basal rosette of long yellowish-green leaves with scattered spots or stripes. The magnificent long (up to 1.5m) flowering stalk bears brick-red, tubular flowers from February to June. These attract Sunbirds and insects.

It makes a wonderful container plant or plant in rockeries or en masse under deciduous trees where it forms beautiful groups. Plant in shade or semi-shade in well drained soil.

Size: 1m x 1m


Lifestyle Seeds may have stock of Aloe dyeri seeds.


Nectar Plant: Flowers provide nectar for sunbirds and pollinating insects


Landscaping: It makes a wonderful container plant or plant in rockeries or en masse under deciduous trees where it forms beautiful groups. A lovely bold plant for shady areas.


KwaZulu Natal, Free State, Western Cape

  Natural Habitat: Arid and semi-arid areas sheltered amongst rocks or other plants  


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