Salvia africana lutea


Common Names

Wild Sage, Beach Sage, Golden Sage, Dune Sage, Sand Sage (english)Sandsalie, Geelblomsalie, Strandsalie, Bruinsalie (afrikaans)


Genus Salvia
Species africana
SA Plant Number
Basionym Salvia africana lutea


Salvia africana-lutea is a very hardy, evergreen, small- to medium-sized shrub with aromatic, grey leaves.

Clusters of unusual brown, funnel shaped flowers are borne from June to December, and when the flowers fall off a decorative, purplish calyx remains. The copious nectar offered by the flowers attracts insects and Sunbirds to the garden.

It is an attractive, easy plant to grow and forms beautiful silvery clumps.

Plant in well-drained soil in full sun or semi-shade and water in winter. This tough plant tolerates very dry conditions and should not be overwatered.

Prune regularly to keep it in shape.

Size: 50 to 75cm


Nectar plant: The tubular flowers hold copious amounts of nectar which attracts Sundbirds and pollinating insects to the garden.


Landscaping: Very drought tolerant species for exceptionally dry gardens. Beautiful grey foliage provides good colour contrast in the garden.


Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Western Cape

Natural Habitat Coastal dunes and flats close to the sea  


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