Virgilia oroboides

Common Names

Blossom Tree (english)Keurboom (afrikaans)


Genus Virgilia
Species oroboides
SA Plant Number 225
Basionym Virgilia oroboides


Virgilia oroboides is a hardy, evergreen beautiful tree with smooth, silver-grey bark in young trees that becomes grey and rough with age. It has feathery, grey-green, Acacia-like leaves.

The scented pea-like flowers are pink, and, when the tree is in full flush from January to April, it is a sight to behold. They are rich in nectar and attract many pollinating insects and birds.

It is the host plant for the Lucerne Blue butterfly – Lampides boeticus.

As it is so fast-growing, it is an ideal plant for new gardens.

Plant in sun or light semi-shade, in well-drained soil.

Size: up to 10m


Butterflies: It is the host plant for the Lucerne Blue butterfly – Lampides boeticus.


Landscaping: A fast growing tree ideal for new gardens


Cape peninsula to George


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