Jasminum angulare


Common Names

Wild Jasmine (english)WIldejasmyn (afrikaans)umlala (zulu)


Genus Jasminum
Species angulare
SA Plant Number
Basionym Jasminum angulare


Jasminum angulare is a hardy, evergreen, drought-resistant climber with glossy, dark-green, trifoliate leaves.

The clusters of star-shaped, white flowers look velvety and are sweetly-scented, especially at night. 

These wonderful flowers are borne from October to January and attract a whole host of tiny insects. They are followed by decorative black berries that attract birds to the garden.

Used for both medicinal and magical purposes. This is quite a delicate climber that can be trained over arches and along fences and walls. It also grows well in containers.

Use as a climber or as a rounded shrub depending on how it is pruned.Plant close to a patio or window where the wonderful scent when it is in flower can be appreciated.

It takes a little time to settle once planted out, but once it has done so, it grows quite quickly. Flowers add a delicious scent to potpourri.

Regular pruning will keep it in shape and encourage flowering. Plant in sun or semi-shade in compost-rich soil.

Size: Climbs to 4m


Wildlife garden plant: The flowers attract many tiny insects to the garden. The berries attract many birds to the garden.



KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape, Free State, Mpumalanga, Western Cape

Natural Habitat Coastal and inland bush among boulders on hillsides and near rivers.


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