Clivia robusta

Common Names

swamp bush lily, swamp clivia (english)


Genus Clivia
Species robusta
SA Plant Number
Basionym Clivia robusta


Clivia robusta is a fairly hardy, evergreen perennial with dark, strap-shaped leaves.

It sends out side shoots to form quite large robust clumps that can reach up to 1.6m tall and produce buttress roots. They are also exceptionally long lived.

The green-tipped, orange flower heads of slender tubular flowers are borne on long stems in late autumn and winter. These are followed by orange berries that persist on the plant.

This Clivia thrives in swamp conditions and helps to stabilise wet banks. It is beautiful planted around a water feature or along stream banks under trees. 

Plant in well-drained, compost rich soil in shady areas and dress annually with compost. Extensively used for medicinal and magical purposes.

Size Up 1.2m


Birds: Birds eat the fleshy red covering of the seeds, thereby dispersing the seeds.


Traditional medicine: Collectors of Clivia robusta have plundered wild stocks of this plant for its stem that is used extensively in traditional medicine as well as for its magical properties. This is despite it growing in hard-to-access swampy areas.


KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape


Habitat:Along streams and drainage lines, Forest, moist


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