Salvia africana caerulea


Common Names

Wild Sage (english)Bloublomsalie (afrikaans)


Genus Salvia
Species africana
Sub Specie caerulea
SA Plant Number
Basionym Salvia africana caerulea


Salvia africana caerulea is a very hardy, evergreen small to medium sized shrub with aromatic grey leaves that have many medicinal properties and can be used in cooking.

It bears spikes of attractive, blue to purple flowers from August to December that have copious nectar and attract birds and bees, (for which the flower is specially adapted), to the garden. The calyx that persists after flowering is another attractive feature of this plant.

This plant is attractive and easy to grow.

It will add both texture and colour to the garden. Well-drained soil is essential as waterlogged soil will kill it. Prune back after flowering to keep in shape.

Size 0,5 to 0,75 m


Wildlife garden plant: The flowers with copious nectar attract birds and bees to the garden.



Northern Cape, Western Cape


Natural Habitat Fynbos on sandy slopes and flats.


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