Sarcocaulon vanderitae

Sarcocaulon vanderitae

Common Names

Bushmans Candle (english)


Genus Sarcocaulon
Species vanderitae
SA Plant Number
Basionym Sarcocaulon vanderitae


Sarcocaulon vanderitae is a hardy, deciduous spiny, succulent shrublet that occurs only in the Eastern Cape. It forms spiny mats just above soil level with short thick stems that have a shiny, olive green to grey waxy bark. This sprawling, tough looking plant bears unbelievably delicate large poppy-like, papery, white flowers which are borne on and off all year round except winter Plant in a rockery or create beautiful containers with this plant. The name Bushman’s candle comes from the fact that the wax on the stems is flammable. For best results plant in well-drained soil in strong direct sunlight although, as they grow in thicket areas, they can tolerate some shade. Water sparingly while they are actively growing and keep dry when dormant.

Size 30 to 40cm


Landscaping: Stunning container plant. Useful plant for dry and arid gardens that don't receive much water (xeriscaping). Can be added to a bonsai collection.


Eastern Cape

Natural Habitat Rocky and stony, sparsely vegetated areas in the Kouga mountains,  Eastern Cape


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