South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue

Random Harvest’s South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue is a purpose built resource for Landscapers and gardeners alike. It is an ever-growing collection of the plants indigenous to South Africa, that we grow or have grown in the past. Each plant included on this catalogue has horticultural value, and information is given on where and how to grow it to its full potential.

ATTRIBUTES - Select attributes for these plants (e.g. winter flowering, tall tree, butterfly host plant, bird friendly etc.) to fine tune a selection of plants that will most suit your gardening requirements. Simply click on the square next to the commonly asked question or attribute, and then click on the “Filter Plants” button.

SEARCH BUTTON - If you know what you are looking for, type in the name of the plant and click on the search button (magnifying glass). This function does require correct spelling of the plant name. You can enter the Genus and species, or one or the other, or a common name to search for a plant. This search facility can also be used to search on specific words, e.g. “yellow flowers” or “Lily” etc.

REQUEST A QUOTE - You are also able to build a request for a quote on plants that you would like for your garden project. Once you’ve selected what you want, submit it and we will get back to you with availability and a quote.

This catalogue is a work in progresss. Please let us know if you find any glaring errors.

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  • Kalanchoe rotundifolia

    Kalanchoe rotundifoliaIn Stock

    Common Kalanchoe, Nentabos, plakkie, umadinsane

    Kalanchoe rotundifolia is a hardy, evergreen, erect, brittle, succulent groundcover. The petioles are pink and the edges of the leaves are pinkish. It bears spikes of small tubular bright yellow flowers on branched flowering stems fro...

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  • Kalanchoe rotundifolia Signal Red

    Kalanchoe rotundifolia Signal RedIn Stock

    Common Kalanchoe, Nentabos

    Kalanchoe rotundifolia is a hardy, evergreen, erect succulent groundcover. The petioles are pink and the edges of the leaves are pinkish-red. It bears spikes of small tubular bright orange to red flowers on branched flowering stems from Ma...

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  • Kalanchoe sexangularis

    Kalanchoe sexangularisIn Stock

    Kalkoentjies, Bosveldplakkie, Rooiblaarplakkie, Bushveld kalanchoe, Red-leaved kalanchoe

    Kalanchoe sexangularis is a hardy, evergreen, robust, drought-resistant succulent shrublet with attractive, broad leaves that fold lengthwise and curve towards the stem. They turn ruby-red in winter and all year round if planted in full sun...

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  • Kalanchoe thyrsiflora

    Kalanchoe thyrsifloraIn Stock

    Geelplakkie, Meelplakkie, Plakkie, Voëlbrandewyn, Northern white lady, Flapjack plant, Flipping pancakes

    Kalanchoe thyrsiflora is a hardy, succulent perennial has the most beautiful, large, oval to round, plate-like, greyish-cream leaves that are edged in red. The leaves are carried in an upright rosette and are coated with white powder. This...

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  • Karomia speciosaFlowering

    Karomia speciosaIn Stock

    Perssambreelblom, Sambreelboom, Mauve Chinese-hats, Southern chinese-hats, Wild parasol flower

    Karomia speciosa (= Holmskioldia speciosa) is a hardy, deciduous, sparsely-branched shrub or small tree with smooth, pale-grey bark. The small, two-toned, softly-textured, velvety leaves look beautiful swaying in the breeze. The clust...

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  • Kigelia africana

    Kigelia africanaIn Stock

    Sausage Tree, Worsboom, Muvevha, Moporota, Modukguhlu, umVunguta, umFongothi

    Kigelia africana is a fairly hardy, very fast growing, briefly deciduous, medium sized tree. It has a straight stem and a rounded crown. The large compound leaves are clustered at the ends of the branches with lovely coppery coloured new gr...

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  • Kiggelaria africanaFlowering

    Kiggelaria africanaIn Stock

    Wild Peach, Wildeperske, mufhata-vhufa, Muphatavhafu, umunwe, umKokoko, Monepenepe, Lekgatsi

    Kiggelaria africana is a very hardy, evergreen to semi-deciduous, fast growing, medium to large sized tree which has very variable leaves. Small, yellow flowers are borne from August to January, sexes are on separate trees, with solitary, ...

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  • Kirkia acuminata

    Kirkia acuminataIn Stock

    White Seringa, Witsering, Modumêla, Mubvumela

    Kirkia acuminata is a fairly hardy, medium-sized, deciduous tree. It has silvery-grey bark with vertical streaks on which silvery-white lichens grow - a striking feature of this tree. Gorgeous feathery leaves turn this tree into a beautifu...

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  • Kirkia wilmsii

    Kirkia wilmsii

    Mountain Seringa, Mountain kirkia, Wild pepper tree, Bergsering, Wildepeperboom, Modumela

    Kirkia wilmsii is a fairly hardy, deciduous, often multi-stemmed tree with beautiful, fine, feathery foliage. It has smooth grey bark with scars where the leaves were attached and is most attractive. The autumn colours are brilliant pink...

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  • Kleinia fulgensFlowering

    Kleinia fulgens

    Koraalsenecio, Coral Senecio

    Kleinia fulgens is a hardy, attractive, evergreen succulent plant with a creeping, tuberous rootstock. It has broad, flattened, slightly fleshy stalkless leaves that arise directly from a fleshy stem. They are grey-green with a purple margi...

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