South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue

Random Harvest’s South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue is a purpose built resource for Landscapers and gardeners alike. It is an ever-growing collection of the plants indigenous to South Africa, that we grow or have grown in the past. Each plant included on this catalogue has horticultural value, and information is given on where and how to grow it to its full potential.

ATTRIBUTES - Select attributes for these plants (e.g. winter flowering, tall tree, butterfly host plant, bird friendly etc.) to fine tune a selection of plants that will most suit your gardening requirements. Simply click on the square next to the commonly asked question or attribute, and then click on the “Filter Plants” button.

SEARCH BUTTON - If you know what you are looking for, type in the name of the plant and click on the search button (magnifying glass). This function does require correct spelling of the plant name. You can enter the Genus and species, or one or the other, or a common name to search for a plant. This search facility can also be used to search on specific words, e.g. “yellow flowers” or “Lily” etc.

REQUEST A QUOTE - You are also able to build a request for a quote on plants that you would like for your garden project. Once you’ve selected what you want, submit it and we will get back to you with availability and a quote.

This catalogue is a work in progresss. Please let us know if you find any glaring errors.

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  • Faidherbia albida

    Faidherbia albidaIn Stock

    Anatree, Anaboom, Mogôkatau, Muhoţo, Umhlalankwazi

    Faidherbia albida is a hardy, drought resistant, fast growing, large thorn tree that is deciduous at various times of the year - sometimes summer and sometimes winter. This seems to coincide with seasonal flooding. It has small blue-grey l...

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  • Falkia repens

    Falkia repensIn Stock

    White Carpet, Oortje’s

    Falkia repens is a hardy, evergreen, flat, mat-forming, perennial groundcover with lovely rounded leaves. It bear large, white to pinkish paper-like flowers (like miniature poppies) from September. to December. Grows in sun or shade and ta...

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  • Faucaria tuberculosa

    Faucaria tuberculosa

    Pebbled Tiger Jaws

    Faucaria tuberculosa is a hardy, strange looking small, clump forming succulent plant. The rosettes of triangular leaves are edged with soft white teeth making it look like a hungry green monster. The leaves are dotted with scattered white ...

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  • Felicia amelloidesFlowering

    Felicia amelloidesIn Stock

    Blue Marguerite, blue felicia bush, shrubby felicia, bush felicia, blue felicia, blue daisy bush, Paris daisy, bloumagriet, blou-astertjie

    Felicia amelloides is a very hardy, evergreen, perennial groundcover or shrublet with bright green foliage that bears masses of blue, daisy-like flowers almost all year round.  It should be pruned back lightly after each flowering to...

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  • Felicia bergeriana

    Felicia bergeriana

    Kingfisher Daisy, Visvangermadaliefie

    Felicia bergeriana is a hardy, attractive, clump-forming perennial develops to a dense carpet of bright green leaves. The masses of blue daisies are borne on long stems nearly all year round and attract butterflies to the garden. Remove the...

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  • Felicia erigeroides

    Felicia erigeroidesIn Stock

    Wild Michelmas Daisy, Isithelelo

    Felicia erigeroides is a very hardy, mound-forming, evergreen perennial has small, bright green leaves and delicate pink to lilac flowers. It flowers profusely from July to September. but does have some flowers all year round if deadheaded ...

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  • Felicia filifolia

    Felicia filifoliaIn Stock

    Fine-Leaved Felicia, Persbergdraaibos, sehala-se-seholo

    Felicia filifolia is an extremely hardy, evergreen, small shrub with fine, bright-green, aromatic, needle-like leaves. It is a magnificent sight from July to September, when it is covered in such prolific mauve, daisy-type flowers that you...

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  • Ficus abutilifoliaFlowering

    Ficus abutilifoliaIn Stock

    Large-leaved Rock Fig, Grootblaarrotsvy, momelantsweng, tshikululu, impayi

    Ficus abutilifolia is a hardy, deciduous, small to medium sized fig tree that has beautiful, large, heart-shaped leaves. The pale green figs with raised white dots, attract birds to the garden. The figs are actually inverted flowers. Th...

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  • Ficus burkeiFlowering

    Ficus burkeiIn Stock

    Common Wild Fig, Gewone Wildevy, moumo, umthombe

    Ficus burkei [ = thonningii] is a hardy, evergreen to briefly deciduous medium to large fig tree. The smooth stem has pale grey bark with horizontal lines at intervals along the stem. It has a dense, dark, rounded crown of dark-green leaves...

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  • Ficus burtt-davyii

    Ficus burtt-davyiiIn Stock

    Scrambling Fig, Veldvy, umthombi, uluzi

    Ficus burtt-davyii is a fairly hardy, multi-stemmed, scrambling fig which is evergreen but can become deciduous in times of drought.   It has silvery grey bark. As with all figs the fruit is in fact an inverted flowers with its o...

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