South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue

Random Harvest’s South African Indigenous Plant Catalogue is a purpose built resource for Landscapers and gardeners alike. It is an ever-growing collection of the plants indigenous to South Africa, that we grow or have grown in the past. Each plant included on this catalogue has horticultural value, and information is given on where and how to grow it to its full potential.

ATTRIBUTES - Select attributes for these plants (e.g. winter flowering, tall tree, butterfly host plant, bird friendly etc.) to fine tune a selection of plants that will most suit your gardening requirements. Simply click on the square next to the commonly asked question or attribute, and then click on the “Filter Plants” button.

SEARCH BUTTON - If you know what you are looking for, type in the name of the plant and click on the search button (magnifying glass). This function does require correct spelling of the plant name. You can enter the Genus and species, or one or the other, or a common name to search for a plant. This search facility can also be used to search on specific words, e.g. “yellow flowers” or “Lily” etc.

REQUEST A QUOTE - You are also able to build a request for a quote on plants that you would like for your garden project. Once you’ve selected what you want, submit it and we will get back to you with availability and a quote.

This catalogue is a work in progresss. Please let us know if you find any glaring errors.

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  • Babiana hypogea

    Babiana hypogea

    Bobbejaanuintjie, Dwarf babiana

    Babiana hypogea is a very hardy, deciduous bulb has attractive pleated leaves.  It bears beautiful, large mauve flowers with pale yellow markings in summer and autumn. The flowers are sweetly scented and borne at ground level. The flo...

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  • Baphia racemosa

    Baphia racemosa

    Natal Camwood, violet pea, Boskamhout, uTshuphu, isiFithi

    Baphia racemosa is a hardy, evergreen, quite slow growing shrub or small tree with a dense, rounded crown of dark green, glossy leaves.It bears sprays of pure white pea-like flowers with a yellow honey-guide spot on the upper petal from Aug...

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  • Barleria elegans

    Barleria elegansIn Stock

    White Bushveld Barleria, Wit bosviooltjie

    Barleria elegans is a hardy, evergreen small shrub with oval shaped, dark green leaves that are paler beneath. The reduced leaves are hardened and spiny-toothed. Flowers profusely in late summer and autumn (February to July) with clusters o...

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  • Barleria greeniiFlowering

    Barleria greeniiIn Stock

    Wild Bush Petunia, Green's barleria

    Barleria greenii is a very hardy, deciduous, spiny, small shrub. It has masses of gorgeous, huge pink, Petunia-like flowers in summer. They are sweet smelling at night which suggests that they are moth pollinated and have copious nectar th...

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  • Barleria obtusaFlowering

    Barleria obtusaIn Stock

    Bush violet, barleria, Bosviooltjie, idololenkonyane

    Barleria obtusa is a hardy, evergreen, small, drought resistant, herbaceous shrublet that tends to sprawl. It blooms profusely with violet flowers in autumn and has a few flowers most of the year round. It grows well in sun or semi-shade bu...

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  • Barleria obtusa White

    Barleria obtusa White

    Bushviolet, Bosviooltjie, idololenkonyane

    Barleria obtusa 'White' is a hardy, evergreen, small, drought resistant, herbaceous shrublet that tends to sprawl. It blooms profusely with white flowers in autumn and has a few flowers most of the year round. It is a butterfly hos...

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  • Barleria pretoriensisFlowering

    Barleria pretoriensis


    Barleria pretoriensis is a hardy shrublet that sprouts annually from a woody rootstock. The leaves are slender and the large, tubular flowers are borne in profusion in the axils of the leaves. The summer flowering period is quite long. Flow...

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  • Barleria prionitis delagoenseFlowering

    Barleria prionitis delagoenseIn Stock

    Porcupine Flower, Delagoa Bay barleria

    Barleria prionitis subsp. delagoense is a fairly hardy, evergreen, fast-growing, drought resistant shrublet or groundcover with opposite pairs of bright green leaves. It bears beautiful, clear apricot flowers in the axils of the leaves...

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  • Barleria repens PinkFlowering

    Barleria repens PinkIn Stock

    Small Bush Violet, Bosviooltjie

    Barleria repens "Pink" is a hardy, evergreen, small and drought-resistant herbaceous shrublet or groundcover that tends to sprawl. It has dark-green, quite glossy leaves. It blooms profusely with glossy, pink flowers in summer an...

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  • Barleria repens Purple Prince

    Barleria repens Purple PrinceIn Stock

    small bush violet, kleinbosviooltjie, inzinziniba

    Barleria repens purple is a hardy, evergreen, small and fairly drought resistant herbaceous shrublet that tends to sprawl. It blooms profusely with glossy, dark purple flowers in summer and autumn but also has a few flowers for most of the ...

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