Chironia laxa

Chironia laxa


Common Names

Bitterwortel (afrikaans)Cape Centaury (english)


Genus Chironia
Species laxa
SA Plant Number
Basionym Chironia laxa


Chironia laxa is a hardy, evergreen, many-branched, low-growing, rounded shrublet with slender, linear little leaves.

This delightful plant bears an abundance of satiny, bright pink flowers with centrally-massed, yellow stamens from November to March. The flowers are borne at the tips of each branchlet. The ecology is interesting as it is ‘buzz pollinated’ by Carpenter bees (see Random Harvest's information on Buzz Pollination).

When planted together with one of the Helichrysum species with their grey leaves they make an amazing show.

Prune regularly to keep in shape. It needs regular watering in summer and will grow in seeps and on pond edges. Requires full sun to look it's best.

Size: up to 40 cm


Pollination: Buzz pollinated by Carpenter Bees


KwaZulu Natal, E. Cape

Habitat:Damp grassland, Ponds and dams, Vlei or vlei margin


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